Event: Art of the Selfie
Curator: Sarah McCutcheon Greiche
Date: September 22 - November 11, 2017
Opening reception: Friday, September 22nd at 5:00pm
Time: Gallery Hours Tue-Sat 10-5pm
Description: “Art of the Selfie” is an exhibition featuring work by Andy Warhol, Suzy Lake, Carrie Mae Weems, Marina Abramovic, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, and emerging artists who explore the expression and transformation of self-images and identity. Curated by Sarah McCutcheon Greiche.
Venue: Helen Day Art Center
Parking: street
Contact: mail@helenday.com
Cost: Donations
Web link: http://www.helenday.com/exhibitions/upcoming/144-2017-selfies